Friday 6 March 2015

Film Spotlight: Logans Run - Renew Scene

That obsession with youth.  This really captures the essence of a future obsession with Youth.  Stemming from Brave New World.  One day we will need to reassess the ever growing population on this currently overrun planet… renew me now?

Friday 5 April 2013

Thursday 16 August 2012

Green wall of Edgware road

Oh the joy of greenery in such a concrete environment.  I was delighted to stumble across this wonderful 'Green wall' plant installation on the side of the Edgware road tube station.  An initiative by Transport for London to improve air quality in the city.

Luscious layers of plants with contrasting textures, colours... long grasses next to chunky leaved plants. A beautiful and enlightening image in such a chaotic area that is Edgware road, right next to the Marylebone flyover! 

 As I got closer, there was a man with some weird piece of machinery, what seemed to look like he was hoovering the greenery.  They were actually doing just that, but it was in order to collect insect samples from the plants.

By chance there was a lovely lady from the University of Staffordshire there, talking to a man who seemed to be some sort of animal rights activist and was arguing that it was unfair to collect the bugs and was asking the lady who was an insectologer whether it was morally right to take the insects and that they should be sedated (what a ridiculous suggestion!)...  alas, I disagreed and I said that this was benefiting the city environment and the insects that were being collected were only being used towards the overall well being of nature in the country - the little martyrs they are!  She explained that its necessary to see what type of insects are thriving in these types of polluted levels. Considering that so many of natures creatures are being threatened due to modern societies unstoppable growth I think its hugely important.  Alls I can hope is that one day, all the sky scrapers in London will be covered in plants!  What a wonderful image that would be!  We can only dream........

John Martin - Fall of Babylon


Wednesday 4 July 2012

A flâneur in St Ives Cornwall

This weekend I visited St Ives.  Oh what a beautiful village it is.  I first made a point of visiting the Alex Katz exhibition at the Tate gallery.  

  A fleeting moment is how I'd like to describe the work of Alex Katz.  Its as though you are on a moving train, car or boat and your eye catches only fragments of the image, Katz himself said he is "moving away from content" within his work.  The vision he has created feels fresh within your mind at the moment of viewing - a positive freshness, one that is of a perfectly memorable colour palette. 

  In many of his works, there is little detail, so upon seeing the works, you experience a lucid sensation; sweet, almost sickly is the mood which it evoked within me.  Off tone colours, slightly unsettling expressions within portraits.  There are odd moments of complacency within the exhibition when the colours and vision is seemingly perfect. 

Penobscot (1999)

Grey Marine (2000)

Young Tree's (1989)

Eli's Friend (1985)

The exhibition was fresh and contemporary and suited the atmosphere of St Ives well.  I always get a bit disappointed about the size of the Tate at St Ives because there is such a rich history of art that I feel should have a permanent home within the gallery, but sadly it isn't big enough to house more than one major exhibition. 

  St Ives itself is small enough that you can easily wander its winding streets within an hour or so.  The weather was inclement and the smattering rain was a beautiful hazy backdrop for the mysterious village.  

The Rotunda at Tate St Ives. 

Reflection in the window absolutely fascinating - like a moving canvas.

Tate Cafe, beautifully spacious and naturally lit for huge windows and skylights.