Friday 29 June 2012

Bike Rally Through Central London

Was just having a stroll through central London and unexpectedly a bike rally/protest appeared in the centre of Oxford Circus blocking traffic on all 4 sides.  A rather wonderful moment, as I am a great supporter of the possibility of pedestrianising central London.
  As much as I respected their boycott of the streets, I thought it was a little defeatist as the amount of traffic that then became congested was probably creating an unnecessary amount of pollution just sitting there waiting for the protest to move on.

  I suppose its the one of the ways to make people realise the prevailing pollution issue that this country has - considering the recent news that we will be fined by the European Commission if we don't reduce our NO2 emissions.  Its pathetic that we even appealed for a delay on our pollution improvement, its clearly a pressing matter.  London continues to grow, but no one really thinks about the consequences and also the fact that London is the most polluted city in Europe is cause for concern, not to mention that it also has been estimated to reduce life expectancy by 8 months and I'm sure that will continue to rise.

  London politicians need to open their eyes and ears, and make some crucial decisions about the future of our city - the streets are disgusting, we have terrible recycling facilities and not to mention the fact that people don't seem to care about recycling is another matter.  We are a city of excess; more retail outlets than necessary, goodness knows how many chain food outlets which are so big on individual packaging for everything.  I am livid about the fact that Macdonald's is the official food sponsor for the Olympics.  Absolutely disgusting if you ask me and the complete antithesis to the whole point of the Olympics; which is apparently promoting sport and healthy living - obviously its a money making campaign, far beyond the true reality of it classical counterpart.      

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