Thursday 17 May 2012

Cantina London

Last Thursday I went to see Cantina at the Priceless Wonderground London.  It was presented in a sort of circus tent type theatre which travels with the performance.  Hailing from Australia, the dance troupe present a modern take on the circus performance.  
One of the many highlights of the show was within the opening act in which a tightrope was walked in platform stilettos.  The performer became slightly unbalanced half way along the rope and had to take the heels off, but regardless she received a huge round of applause for this incredible feat of dexterity.  

The whole essence of the performance was seemingly (if not loosely) based around the relationships between people... sexual, bristling tension, anger, happiness, ecstatic exuberance... the performance was filled with tension and excitement.  One of my favourite parts was a sort of Tango in which the man and woman violently flung themselves around the stage in a vision of intense love for one another, almost verging on sado masochistic.
  Another fantastic moment was when a female performer 'walked' all over her male counterpart on stage wearing once again platform stilettos!!! It looked so painful, but yet it was realised with utter style and nimbleness!
I definitely suggest you go to see this performance before it finishes in september! Also the photographs are from the Cantina website by photographer Idil Sukan.  I couldn't take photographs during the performance.

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